Set specific ICARE’s options.
Nb of elements per wavelength :
This value (not necessarily an integer number) is used to estimate the size of the triangles edges. This size will be automatically proposed during the mesh creation .
Distance for quick computation (wavelength) :
If an observation point is far enough, the near field computation is simplified and accelerated. This also applies for the physical optics currents computation. The value in this field defines the threshold.
Points collapsing distance :
If two points of the mesh are close enough, they will be considered as one unique point. The value in this field defines the threshold.
Memory to reserve (Mb) :
The amount of RAM memory allocated to ICARE. For the parallelized version, it is the memory per process.
Directory for temporary files :
If the matrix size is bigger than the RAM memory, this directory will be used to store parts of the matrix. For the parallelized version, the directory can be (in fact should be) local for each process. At the end of the computation, all the files generated by the program in this directory will be delete. However, in case of abnormal termination, these files will not be erased. For that reason, this directory should be frequently cleared (it is automatically done for the temp directory of most operating system). Both Windows and Linux environment variables are accepted. If this field is empty, the project directory will be used.
S-Matrix computation (if sources are defined) :
If this flag is set, the coupling between sources will be computed. The sources are defined with the Voltage source tool. If this flag is unset, then the sources will be on all together and their radiation will be computed instead of their coupling.
Calculate only the scattered part of the near field :
If this flag is set, only the scattered part of the near field is calculated. Unset it to compute the total near field including the contribution of the plane wave or the source point.
Keep the intermediate results (for debugging purposes) :
During the computation, intermediate results are stored in a file (intermediate_results.txt) in the project folder. This is useful for diagnostic in case of an abnormal exit of the program. It is automatically delete in case of a successful computation. However, it is sometimes useful to keep it in case of normal termination, especially when strange results appear. Set this flag in that case.
Export currents (can be used as sources in other tools) :
The currents are always stored for internal use. However, it may be useful to export them in a format clear enough to be used as an input of another EM solver. The electric and magnetic currents on surfaces are stored in two different formats : at the center of the triangles (TriangleCurrents.txt) and at the center of the edges of the triangles (EdgesCurrents.txt). The wire currents are exported in a additional file (WiresCurrents.txt).
Read previous solution :
After each Icare simulation, the computed currents are stored in a binary file (currents.bin). It is possible to re-use it by setting this flag. In that case, Icare doesn't compute the currents and re-use the file currents.bin instead. Only the requested far-field and near-field observations may be changed in a computation that reads the previous solution. Warning : other changes may lead to errors or wrong results.
Priority Class :
Define the priority of the process you can choose between HIGH, ABOVENORMAL, NORMAL, BELOWNORMAL and LOW. Set to LOW or BELOWNORMAL for background computation. It might be impossible to set HIGH or ABOVENORMAL on Linux.
Nb of MPI processes :
Number of MPI processes to launch for parallel computation. Only available on Linux in the current version.
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